Apparaten in een netwerk verbinden met Homematic IP

Een WLAN-lampje, een box voor de spraakbesturing of een draadloze camera alleen is nog geen smarthome. Pas door de intelligente verbinding van meerdere apparaten tot zinvolle scenario's ontstaat een echte meerwaarde.

Maak gebruik van absolute veelzijdigheid en flexibiliteit.

Bij Homematic IP kunt u vandaag al kiezen uit meer dan 150 slimme apparaten, onderdelen en componenten. Daarmee kunt u nu al zo goed als elke levenssfeer thuis slim maken. Wij willen u echter niet beperken in uw keuze en staan daarom open voor apparaten van andere fabrikanten. Bij Homematic IP staat namelijk één ding voorop: uw tevredenheid met uw individuele smarthome.

Verlichting en beschaduwing combineren

Als u uw rolluiken en jaloezieën 's morgen met de zonsopgang omhoog wilt laten sturen, kunt u zich laten wekken door het zonlicht. 's Avonds sturen alle rolluiken en jaloezieën op het gewenste tijdstip omlaag – tegelijkertijd schakelt uw verlichting individueel in. 

Met deze Homematic IP producten regelt u heel comfortabel licht en donker:

Slimme veiligheidsoplossingen installeren

Inbraakpogingen kunnen al door een goed zichtbare sirene aan het gebouw worden afgeweerd. U kunt bovendien 's nachts of bij afwezigheid per lichtregeling aanwezigheid simuleren. Indien desondanks een inbraakpoging plaatsvindt, wordt deze door verschillende apparaten en sensoren herkend en aan de bewoners gemeld. Homematic IP biedt u hiervoor raam- en deurcontacten, aanwezigheids- en bewegingsmelders. 

Voor een rondom veilig gevoel maakt u gebruik van deze producten:

Weergegevens in het smarthome integreren

Als rolluiken bij sterke zonnestraling omlaag sturen, als de zonwering bij plotseling beginnende regen instuurt, als de verwarming reageert op een temperatuurdaling: dan hebt u waarschijnlijk een van de slimme Homematic IP Weersensoren in uw smarthome geïntegreerd. De Homematic IP App toont u de actuele weergegevens. Dit plus aan comfort zult u merken – of het nu zonnig is, regent, stormt of sneeuwt.

Met deze Homematic IP producten reageert uw smarthome op elk weer:

Compatibel met andere producten, Alexa& Co.

Integreer talrijke apparaten van andere merken met Homematic IP probleemloos in uw smarthome – en bedien uw Homematic IP smarthome ook per spraakcommando via Amazon Alexa en Google Assistant. Via het platform Home Connect Plus kunt u alle Home Connect Plus partnerapparaten onderling en met Homematic IP verbinden. Daarmee wordt de compatibiliteit uitgebreid met allerlei apparaten van bekende fabrikanten: bijv. Phillips Hue, Nokia Health en Android telefoon.

Met deze producten toegang tot allerlei apparaten van andere merken:

Draadloos of wired of allebei

Het doet er niet toe of u kiest voor een draadloze of een wired oplossing – of zelfs beide systemen wilt gebruiken: u kunt elk systeem afzonderlijk gebruiken of alles naadloos met elkaar combineren. Deze intelligente routing in de domotica noemen wij Advanced Routing. Daarmee kunt u draadloze en wired apparaten tegelijkertijd met de Homematic IP Cloud gebruiken en het complete systeem met de Homematic IP Smartphone App installeren, configureren en bedienen. De draadloze en wired apparaten communiceren daarbij volledig transparant met elkaar.

Met deze Homematic IP producten combineert u draadloze en bus-oplossingen:

De vijf belangrijkste voordelen van Advanced Routing:

Aufzählung 1

Optimale flexibiliteit door gecombineerd gebruik van Homematic IP Draadloze en Wired apparaten met de Homematic IP Cloud plus App en nog steeds de CCU3.

Aufzählung 2

Hoogste bedrijfsveiligheid in de smarthome-markt met automatische overname van de routerfunctie door een blijvende Access Point (HmIP-HAP) in reikwijdte.

Aufzählung 3

Uitbreiding van het zendbereik met meerdere Access Points (HmIP-HAP) in één Homematic IP Net voor nagenoeg willekeurig grote gebouwen.

Aufzählung 4

Geoptimaliseerde inrichting van Homematic IP Wired apparaten met meerderen kanalen in de app.

Aufzählung 5

Zonder de in andere gevallen gecompliceerde toewijzing van IP-adressen voor de routing.

Amazon Alexa en Google Assistant volgen uw commando

Bedien uw Homematic IP smarthome ook per spraakcommando via Amazon Alexa en Google Assistant. Schakel met uw stem het licht in, laat uw rolluiken omhoog- of omlaag sturen of regel uw gewenste temperatuur, zonder een vinger uit te moeten steken. Met de spraakgestuurde luidsprekers van Amazon, zoals de Echo of de Show, de variant met display, kunt u Homematic IP apparaten en functies comfortabel bedienen. De spraakbesturing via Google kunt u gebruiken via de app Google Assistant, met luidsprekers zoals Google Home, Google Nest of de oplossingen van andere fabrikanten.

meer over Amazon Alexa meer over Google Assistant

Dat zeggen onze klanten

Hoe goed smarthome-oplossingen van Homematic IP in het dagelijkse leven functioneren, kan niemand beter beoordelen dan onze klanten. Wij zijn daarom altijd blij met uw feedback over onze producten. Lof of kritiek – elke feedback helpt ons, beter te worden en onze klanten met hun wensen beter te begrijpen.

"Mijn smart home-gevoel is wanneer mijn huis de dingen die ik elke dag handmatig doe, steeds weer automatisch voor me doet." Hier vertrouwt hij op de slimme functies die hij heel eenvoudig en individueel kan configureren met de Homematic IP-app. Het brede productportfolio van Homematic IP maakt het voor Alexander bijzonder gemakkelijk om verschillende oplossingen te combineren - flexibel via radio of ook bekabeld en dus bijzonder faalveilig. "Dat is slim!"

– Alexander van Schwarmstedt –

"Heinz Joachim aus Nachrodt-Wiblingwerde ist begeisterter Homematic IP Anwender. Ihn fasziniert die Einfachheit von Homematic IP. "Das System ist einfach einzurichten und zu bedienen." Unter diesen Bedingungen kann Smart Home aus seiner Sicht auch das Leben älterer Menschen bereichern. "Das ist Technik, die auch ältere Menschen begeistert!"

– Heinz Joachim aus Nachrodt-Wiblingwerde –

Wij ondersteunen u altijd bij uw vragen.

Of u een vraag hebt met betrekking tot een product, iets niet helemaal zo functioneert als gewenst, u op zoek bent naar een vakpartner of gewoon feedback wilt geven: wij staan altijd voor u klaar.


Veelgestelde vragen

Hier vindt u de belangrijkste vragen en onze antwoorden rondom onze smarthome-oplossingen.



U hebt een Homematic IP product gekocht en hebt vragen met betrekking tot de werking? Onze technische support helpt u graag.

Installateur Suche


U bent op zoek naar een goede installateur bij u in de buurt? Maak gebruik van onze gemakkelijke zoekfunctie hier op onze website.

Händler Suche


Homematic IP producten en goed advies zijn in heel Duitsland verkrijgbaar. Kijk hier voor een passende handelaar bij u in de buurt.

Innovaties, ideeën, impulsen: Uw nieuws

Hier ontvangt u het laatste nieuws over en informatie rondom innovatieve smarthome-oplossingen. 

Al het nieuws bekijken

Secure your home in just one click with the Homematic IP app! 📲🔒

29. juni 2023
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Peace Time mode on! ✌️

27. juni 2023
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Experience the freedom and flexibility of the Homematic IP Access Range. 🔒

23. juni 2023
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Introducing the Homematic IP Keypad, the key to unlocking a new level of home security and convenience.🔒
✔️The perfect complement to the Homematic IP Door Lock Drive

20. juni 2023
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3 reasons to embrace a connected home for enhanced security! 🔐

15. juni 2023
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One of this year's trends? Frosted glass. It combines elegance, vintage style, and uniqueness.

13. juni 2023
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Take control with the Homematic IP Key Ring Remote Control ! 🔑

08. juni 2023
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Did you know? Homematic IP keeps you connected to your home security like never before! ✨🏠

06. juni 2023
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Discover the peace of mind that comes with our advanced security range. From alarm sirens to motion detectors and window and door contacts, Homematic IP has got you covered.

02. juni 2023
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Sunlight is good! 🌞 Until the sun overheats your home. With Homematic IP keep it under control!

#HomematicIP #smarthome #sun #control

31. mei 2023
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Sun is out! 🌞 Say hello to a new level of efficiency, security and comfort with smart shutter control. Let's see 3️ reasons for smart shading ⬇️

26. mei 2023
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Be alerted to any intrusion! Thanks to the Homematic IP app 📱, you won't miss a thing that happens in your house, 🏠 whether you are at home or not.

23. mei 2023
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You want to configure your shutters in an intelligent way? Homematic IP offers you the perfect products!

19. mei 2023
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On this World Day of Light 💡, let's remember that turning off your lights saves energy, money and helps the environment. 🌍

16. mei 2023
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📣 To all our Italian followers 🇮🇹

Don't miss our presentation at the digital fair CasaOggiDomani with the topic:

12. mei 2023
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Looking for inspiration? 🤔 The current trend seems to be nature-inspired interiors: wood and natural marble tables, rattan and velvet sofas...

09. mei 2023
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Did you know❓ Homematic IP adapts to you and your preferences? It is possible to control your smart home in different ways, let's see it!

05. mei 2023
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Make your home's switches smart with the Homematic IP switch module!

28. april 2023
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Rise and shine, it's time to wake up with natural light! 🌅💤 Did you know that waking up to natural light can improve your mood, energy, and overall well-being?

26. april 2023
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Imagine yourself comfortably seated on your sofa, enjoying your favorite TV series, and suddenly you realize that you forgot to turn off the lights in the side room.

21. april 2023
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☑️ Upgrade your home's window treatments with our window and door contact optical!

19. april 2023
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Are you tired of constantly getting up to adjust your home's lighting? 💡 With the Homematic IP app, you can control your lights from anywhere! 📲

17. april 2023
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Connected lighting isn't just convenient, it can also improve your 🏠's security, energy efficiency, and ambiance.

14. april 2023
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Looking to bring your outdoor space to the next level? 🏡 Homematic IP has got you covered with our range of smart outdoor solutions!

12. april 2023
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With the sun shining through the windows, ☀️ your rooms can become overheated.

07. april 2023
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Dark wood has largely deserved its place in the 2023 decorating trends! Walnut, acacia, rosewood and teak will be particularly popular wood species this year.

05. april 2023
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Ventilation needs to be cared for! 💨 It only takes a few simple steps to take care of the air in your smart home on a daily basis.

29. maart 2023
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No more fear at night or when you are not at home.

27. maart 2023
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Homematic IP brings color into your home with the new 𝗛𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗜𝗣 𝗟𝗘𝗗 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗿 - 𝗥𝗚𝗕𝗪.🎨

21. maart 2023
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Homematic IP is suitable for all types of housing 🏠: houses, flats, modern or older housing, whether you are a tenant or owner.

16. maart 2023
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Thanks to the Homematic IP access point, you can easily set up all the smart devices in your home. For its installation, nothing could be simpler!

13. maart 2023
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Are you doubting? Can’t decide whether it’s worth installing a smart heating system? Let’s look at 3 good reasons to install one 🤔

09. maart 2023
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With the Homematic IP app control all of your smart devices from your smartphone. Is it too hot? Or too cold? 🌡️ Adjust the temperature according to your needs at any time!

05. maart 2023
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You forgot your keys? It is not a problem anymore! 🔑

02. maart 2023
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Just because it's cold and damp outside doesn't mean it has to be the same at home! 🏠 Control the room heat and humidity with the Temperature and humidity sensor.

28. februari 2023
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With the Homematic IP starter set heating, no more wasted energy. You can automate and adapt the temperature according to your needs. 🔥 Once at home, you will no longer feel the cold outside.🥶❌

27. februari 2023
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Did you know? With Homematic IP, you have software and technology hand in hand via a simple app! 📱
✔️ Set up complex scenarios
✔️ Configure devices and connect everything together

22. februari 2023
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We know for a fact that green has an extremely rich palette of shades, but 2023 will be the year of sage green, olive green and khaki green.

20. februari 2023
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Choosing a smart home means choosing peace of mind. You don't have to do anything, you have control over everything from your app.

16. februari 2023
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What could be better than celebrating Valentine's Day in the place where you feel most at peace? ✨ Your home.

14. februari 2023
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Let the approach of night 🌃 no longer be a source of anxiety for you! 😰 With our shutter actuator in the flush-mount solution, your shutters will obey your every command.

13. februari 2023
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Did you know❓ As a wireless solution, Homematic IP is suitable for everyone! Whether you live in a flat or a house, whether you are a tenant or an owner, Homematic IP is THE solution for you!

07. februari 2023
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To keep your safe place, safe for you and your loved ones, choose our door lock drive🔒: the key to your Smart Home. You won't have to do a thing!

02. februari 2023
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We're already one month into the new year! Now's not the time discover unfortunate internal damages in your home.

31. januari 2023
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Did you know? It's 🌍 International Data Protection Day tomorrow! Never doubt that Homematic IP has your back.

27. januari 2023
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Control of the most important aspects of your house is within reach with the Homematic IP wall-mount remote control - 6 buttons!

25. januari 2023
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Everyone has a nice little quilt folded on the back of their couch, ready to be unfolded during the cold evenings spent relaxing on the couch. 🛋️

20. januari 2023
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At this time of year, when the ☀️ sun sets early, it's easy for those with mal intent to tell when you're away from the house.

17. januari 2023
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Match your lighting to your mood! You may have heard that we recently announced that it was possible to add Hue lamps to your Homematic IP system and control them via the Homematic IP app.

13. januari 2023
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This year, there's nothing smarter than smart heating! 🙌🌡️

11. januari 2023
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Did you know? If you're having trouble understanding the benefits of Homematic IP products or how to install them, we've got you covered!

06. januari 2023
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Enjoy the sun while you can! The 🌇 days are still short, and it's sometimes hard to take full advantage of the sun-filled hours!

05. januari 2023
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Make sure to keep the heat 🌡️ of your house indoors! Make sure your windows are closed when the heater is on. Once the snow starts falling, don't loose heat pointlessly.

28. december 2022
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Did you know? The Homematic IP weather sensor - basic collects weather data such as wind speed and displays it in the app.

23. december 2022
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You've just cosied up in bed under your covers when a sudden doubt enters your mind. Did you turn off all your Christmas lights in the living room?

21. december 2022
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'Tis the season to string up the🎄 Christmas lights! Share the festive spirit with your neighbours by lighting up the street with joyous lights.

19. december 2022
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With the Homematic IP Switch Module for brand switches, you can make your lighting smart in no time.

16. december 2022
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#Giveaway time! All Homematic IP wants for Christmas 🎁 is to offer you the gift of warmth this season!

14. december 2022
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#Contest time! All Homematic IP wants for Christmas 🎁 is to offer you the gift of warmth this season!

12. december 2022
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As Christmas draws near, the cupboards start to overflow with hidden 🎁 gifts.

09. december 2022
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Did you know? Christmas wreath's on a front door 🚪 are a symbol of love and eternal life. But that's not a greeting you want to share with unwelcome guests!

07. december 2022
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Sometimes the hardest part of getting out of bed in the morning is knowing your feet are about to touch a freezing cold floor.

01. december 2022
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With the Homematic IP Switch Module for brand switches, you can make your lighting smart in a simple way 💡.

30. november 2022
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Did you know? 🤔 Homematic IP is here to make everything easier for you.

28. november 2022
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There's no reason to freeze 🥶 your toes off just to save expenses! Set the most comfortable temperature for you thanks to Homematic IP's Starter Set Heating.

24. november 2022
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It's time to break out those scented candles 🕯 and spread them around your bedroom, living room, or whichever room you prefer in your Homematic IP home!

22. november 2022
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You're halfway to your holiday destination when suddenly you can't recall if you turned off the lights 💡 in the basement.

17. november 2022
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Don't worry about stumbling around in the dark. If you ever get up in the middle of the night to grab a drink from the kitchen.

14. november 2022
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It's happened to the best of us. You've just reached the end of your street, but you can't stop the creeping doubt that you may have forgotten to lock the 🚪 door.

11. november 2022
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Did you know? Turning your home into a smart home can permanently reduce your living costs!

09. november 2022
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Coming home to a dark home 🌃 can be frustrating when you have your hands full and need to juggle what you're holding in order to turn on the entryway light.

07. november 2022
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Sometimes, you know exactly where you want to place your 💡 light switch, but you've already got a shelf in the way, or maybe, you simply want to have the flexibility of choosing the placement

27. oktober 2022
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Did you know? You can customise your Homematic IP solutions, giving free rein to your enthusiasm for technology in the Smart Home.

24. oktober 2022
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If you have ground-floor windows, you might know how annoying it can be to patrol the house at night 🌃 to make sure they're all closed, just so that you can sleep soundly.

21. oktober 2022
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Set up your dream home library!

19. oktober 2022
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From now on, go out with peace of mind! 🧘🏻‍♀️

17. oktober 2022
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Waking up to natural sunlight provides you with a little extra energy for your daily activities.

14. oktober 2022
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It's finally autumn and that means we can expect many rainy 🌦 days ahead. And who says rain, says humidity!

12. oktober 2022
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Did you know? The benefits of a smart home for the elderly and disabled are a great help!

07. oktober 2022
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The cosy season is upon us! When we're curled up on the couch in a big sweater and with a good warm tea ☕, the last thing we want to do is get up to turn on the light!

04. oktober 2022
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Summer is over, get your home ready for the colder weather. Discover the Homematic IP Starter Set Heating 🌡️

30. september 2022
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Did you know? 🤔 With Homematic IP, you can use lights to simulate your presence in different rooms evening and night. You can create fixed time schedules or randomly change time interva!

27. september 2022
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Make your life easier by attaching our Key Ring Remote Control - Access to a keychain readily accessible to you, so that you're always in control.

23. september 2022
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✔️ 3D art
In 2022, people want to add whimsey, intrigue, and life to flat walls!
This type of space is one of the trendiest out there to implement in your Homematic IP home. 😃

20. september 2022
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With Homematic IP, you can understand and analyze your energy consumption. 🔋⚡

16. september 2022
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With Homematic IP, reinforce your own house safety by changing the password every two weeks with our own #KeyPad so that your home 🏠 remains secure at all times and can never be broken into!

13. september 2022
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Homematic IP is a connected home made easy! A Smart Home system that is easy to install, convincing in its use, and characterized by the highest level of security.

09. september 2022
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After you get home from work, don't bother using what little energy you have left to close the blinds, turn off the lights, or shutter the windows. 🤗

07. september 2022
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Did you know? The #Homematic IP KeyPad is a great safety tool to equip your home with.

02. september 2022
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Did you know? 🤔

Thanks to Homematic IP, you can wake up every day with the peace of mind of daylight! ☀️

26. april 2022
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Always keeping an eye on the temperature and humidity of the outdoor area is no problem in your Smart Home.

22. april 2022
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💡 The wall mount remote control has up to six intuitive push buttons that allow for comfortable control of devices or system functions in your home.

11. april 2022
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Homematic IP, an award-winning technology! 🏆

28. maart 2022
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Homematic IP runs even off-line !

24. maart 2022
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Homematic IP Protects your privacy ! 📱🔒

21. maart 2022
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