Automatic hydraulic balancing
- Efficiency for your heating system
In view of the constantly changing legal situation and technical progress, we, as a company, aim to word the conditions for the use of our products and services extensively and at the same time transparently, whereby technical products and applications with various and self-propagating functions require an even more comprehensive elaboration.
1.1 The object of the user contract shall be the free use of the Homematic IP app and the use of the Homematic IP cloud in each case in the version and scope as provided by eQ-3 AG. The Homematic IP app and the Homematic IP cloud will be provided by eQ-3 AG, Maiburger Str. 29, 26789 Leer/Germany.
1.2 When installing the Homematic IP app, the user shall confirm by tapping the button “Agree” (Android) or “Accept” (iOS) that he agrees with these user conditions. The same applies when the user installs, copies, uses or accesses the Homematic IP app.
1.3 Should the user not agree to the user conditions, he shall refrain from any use, installation and reproduction whatsoever of the Homematic IP app and shall not be allowed to access the Homematic IP cloud.
1.4 A guarantee in the legal sense or a procurement risk according to § 276 BGB is not assumed by eQ-3 AG under this contract.
2.1 The user receives for the term of the user contract the non-exclusive, non-transferrable right, limited in time for the term of the agreement, to install the Homematic IP app in its respective availability and in the scope as provided by eQ-3 AG into an Homematic IP app-supported end device, i.e. smartphone or tablet which is in his own possession or which has been made legally available to him and to use the same exclusively in line with these user conditions together with the Homematic IP cloud made accessible through the Homematic IP app.
2.2 The user shall have the right to reproduce the Homematic IP app entrusted to him in so far as the reproduction is required by him in order to use the Homematic IP app (e.g. downloading, installation of the Homematic IP app to the end device, loading the Homematic IP app). The user is not permitted to re-engineer the software or use of the Homematic IP app and/or the Homematic IP cloud which is not part of the designated contractual use, in particular the downloading of the eQ-3 AG software depicting the Homematic IP app function and/or the Homematic IP cloud and shall refrain from doing so.
2.3 All rights to the Homematic IP app and the Homematic IP cloud – with the exception of the rights of use granted with these conditions of use – shall belong exclusively to eQ-3 AG and the respective eQ-3 AG licensors. The Homematic IP app and the Homematic IP cloud as well as the rights to these shall be protected by copyright and by international intellectual property laws.
2.4 The user may make a copy of the Homematic IP app for back-up purposes insofar as the end device on which the backup copy is stored belongs to the user or the user is in possession of exclusive rights of disposal over it. The user shall be obliged to prevent access to the backup copy and the Homematic IP app by unauthorised third parties by taking suitable measures.
2.5 The user may only edit the Homematic IP app, in particular make amendments and additions, insofar as this is permitted by mandatory laws or has been contractually agreed with eQ-3 AG in advance. eQ-3 AG points out that even minor amendments can lead to considerable, non-foreseeable disturbances in the operation of the Homematic IP app. Copyright notices, serial numbers, version numbers, brand names or other identification features of the Homematic IP app may under no circumstances be changed or removed. The same shall apply for features for suppressing display features on the screen.
2.6 The Homematic IP app and the Homematic IP cloud may only be used by the user and only for the agreed purposes. The Homematic IP app and the Homematic IP cloud have not been developed for and neither are they suitable for the safety sector, direct personal safety and the medical sector and must therefore not be deployed in these sectors.
2.7 The Homematic IP app requires a current Android operating system version for Android devices or a corresponding iOS operating system version for Apple devices. Although the eQ-3 AG strives without expressed legal obligations to adapt the app to modified operating system versions and new mobile end device variants and to make the Homematic IP app and the Homematic IP cloud available to these end devices the user shall have no right to such update by eQ-3 AG. Besides, it is possible that older operating system versions are not (no longer) supported. In view of the aforementioned technical prerequisites, the user himself shall be responsible for checking and ensuring the suitability of the Homematic IP app for the installation on the intended end device. Operation of the Homematic IP app assumes that the end device itself provides the means of connection with the Homematic IP app and the Homematic IP cloud even in compliance with the operating system version.
3.1 eQ-3 AG shall make available to the user – exclusively however within the framework and scope of the Homematic IP app and Homematic IP cloud maintained in each case by eQ-3 AG – to access the free, technical facility and entitlement to the Homematic IP cloud by means of the Homematic IP app and Internet and to use the functionalities of the Homematic IP cloud within the framework of the user conditions. eQ-3 AG shall make the free Homematic IP cloud available to the user without any promise of certain availability. A right to using the Homematic IP cloud shall exist only within the framework of the technical and operative facilities at eQ-3 AG and in the framework and scope of the maintained Homematic IP app and Homematic IP cloud maintained by eQ-3 AG in each case. eQ-3 AG shall strive without any expressed legal obligations to provide free access to the Homematic IP cloud with an average annual availability of 99.5%. However, maintenance measures and technical disturbances (such as interruptions in the power supply, hardware or software faults, technical problems in the data lines), temporary restrictions or disruptions may occur which lead to a considerable reduction in the aforementioned targeted availability.
3.2 The Homematic IP cloud shall be provided on a server operated by eQ-3 AG and can be called up by the user. The authoritative service transfer point for the Homematic IP cloud shall be the network access of the computer centre used by eQ-3 AG for the contractual services. eQ-3 AG cannot be held responsible for failure or non-availability of hardware and software components, the Internet or other networks downstream from this service transfer point. The user’s link to the Internet, the maintenance of the network connections as well as the procurement and provision of the hardware and software required by the user is the sole responsibility of the user. Using the system via an Access Point is not possible without the Homematic IP app. If there are no usage rights for the Homematic IP app or the Homematic IP cloud, it is possible to continue operating the system with a CCU3 instead of an Access Point.
3.3 The scope of the Homematic IP app and Homematic IP cloud, the technical requirements for use and other details regarding the application of the Homematic IP app and Homematic IP cloud are described in the “Homematic IP User Guide (hereinafter referred to as “User Guide”). However, the information contained in the user guide are no quality specifications for the Homematic IP app and Homematic IP cloud in so far as this is not expressed as such in the user guide.
3.4 eQ-3 AG shall be entitled to adapt the Homematic IP app and Homematic IP cloud to the latest technical developments, particularly with regard to new functions and the closure of safety gaps for reason of changes in legislation, changes in jurisdiction or changes in economic conditions of eQ-3 AG and to change the Homematic IP app and Homematic IP cloud within the framework of technical properties and functionalities. Insofar as such adaptation might negatively impact the legitimate interests of the user, notice of such adaptation will be given at the latest one month prior to its execution to the user in text form by sending a push notification and/or by displaying the information in the Homematic IP app. Contractual inclusion or rejection of the adaptation shall be correspondingly regulated by the process given under sec. 8.2.
3.5 eQ-3 is entitled, but not obligated, to add additional functionalities to the app that supplement the core functions of the app. The core functions of the app within the meaning of this EULA are the set-up, configuration, control and ongoing monitoring of the devices belonging to the user’s Homematic IP installation. eQ-3 reserves the right to remove or adapt these additional functionalities or to make them available in the future only for a fee. In the latter case, the user has the option of continuing to use the app with the core functions free of charge, but without the additional functions. Insofar as and for as long as using the additional functionalities is free of charge, the provision of these functionalities by eQ-3 does not constitute a material contractual obligation within the meaning of Clause 5.2, 2nd bullet point. Reference is made to 3.1 Sentence 2.
3.6 eQ-3 AG shall be entitled to block the user’s access to the Homematic IP cloud temporarily or permanently should there be specific, objective reasons to believe that the user is breaching, or has breached the conditions of use and/or is violating, or has violated any applicable law during use. Should eQ-3 AG decide to block the user’s access, it shall take appropriate account of the legitimate interests of the user.
The additional function "measurement data", which can currently be used free of charge, is an additional functionality within the meaning of Clause 3.5. It allows viewing of certain usage data over a particular past time period. The data available within the scope of "measurement data" is only for the user’s information. Using it for the purpose of providing evidence or for accounting is not permitted. Without prejudice to the provisions in Clause 5.2, eQ-3 assumes no liability for the accuracy, completeness or availability of the data at any time.
4.1 eQ-3 AG shall guarantee the usability of the Homematic IP app and the Homematic IP cloud and their properties with regard to the free use of the service only to the extent of the version and scope provided by eQ-3 AG.
4.2 Guarantee and liability for material defects shall be excluded if, in line with the concluded contract, the user fails to observe the provisions or directions for use of the Homematic IP app and/or the Homematic IP cloud as specified and insofar stipulated by eQ-3 AG, in particular has failed to observe those given in the user manual, or because of this the customer has suffered damage.
5.1 Subject to the following exceptions, eQ-3 AG shall not be held liable, in particular not for claims from the user for compensation or reimbursement of expenses – on whatever legal ground – resulting from the infringement of obligations arising from the contractual relationship.
5.2 The above exclusion of liability as per sec. 5.1 shall not apply for
- own intentional or grossly negligent breach of obligations and intentional or grossly negligent breach of obligations by legal representatives or vicarious agents;
5.3 Should eQ-3 AG or its vicarious agents be culpable of only minor negligence and there is no case under sec. 5.2, indents 3, 5 and 6 then eQ-3 AG shall also be liable only for foreseeable damage typical for the contract if essential contractual obligations are breached.
5.4 eQ-3 AG’s liability for each individual case of damage shall be limited to a maximum liability sum of € 10,000.00. This shall not apply if eQ-3 AG is culpable of fraudulent intent, intentional wrongdoing or gross negligence, or in case of claims arising from injury to body, life and health as well as in cases of claims arising from criminal dealings or an expressly accepted guarantee or the acceptance of a procurement risk as per Paragraph 276 German Civil Code or in cases of divergent higher liability sums compellingly prescribed by law. Any greater liability is excluded.
5.5 Liability exclusions and/or restrictions in accordance with the above sec. 5.1 to 5.4 shall apply to the same extent in favour of corporate bodies, executive and non-executive employees and other vicarious agents, as well as sub-contractors engaged by eQ-3 AG.
5.6 A reversal in the burden of proof is not connected to the aforesaid provisions.
6.1 These conditions of use shall be agreed between eQ-3 AG and the user and not with Google or Apple as operators of the respective app stores. Google and Apple shall not be obliged to provide support services, to remedy material defects and legal deficiencies or to provide any other services for the Homematic IP app and Homematic IP cloud on the basis of these conditions of use.
6.2 Insofar as the app is downloaded from the Apple-operated app store, Apple shall also fall under the benefit of the contract concluded on the basis of these conditions of use with eQ-3 AG and Apple shall be entitled to assert claims against the user arising from this contract (a genuine contract in favour of third parties).
6.3 The user may not use the Homematic IP app and the Homematic IP cloud or bring the software belonging to the Homematic IP app or the Homematic IP cloud into a country if he is resident or located in a country which is subject to a US embargo or a country which has been classified by the US government as a “country supported by terrorism” or in a country which is listed by the US government and subject to export bans and export restrictions, unless prior approval has been obtained from the relevant authority. The same shall apply for any export restrictions of the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union.
7.1 The contract for the provision of the Homematic IP cloud shall commence with the initial commissioning and configuration of Homematic IP devices with the Homematic IP app and the associated use of the Homematic IP cloud by the user. The term of the control shall have an indefinite term. It may be duly terminated by the user at any time by deleting the Homematic IP app (see 7.2 below) and may be duly terminated by eQ-3 AG with three months’ notice to the end of the month by means of a termination notice in the Homematic IP app. Sec. 7.4 remains unaffected.
7.2 The user may terminate the contract for the provision of the Homematic IP cloud at any time. The user can terminate the contract by deactivating or deleting the app from his end device.
7.3 eQ-3 AG will delete the configuration and usage data as well as all other data of the user at the latest 30 days after termination of the contract for provision of the Homematic IP cloud (see in detail the data protection declaration of the Homematic IP app).
7.4 The right to terminate the contract for the provision of the Homematic IP cloud as per Paragraph 314 of the German Civil Code at any time for important reasons shall remain unaffected for eQ-3 AG and the user. One important reason which shall justify the termination of the contract for the provision of the Homematic IP cloud by eQ-3 AG is particularly given if a continuation of the Homematic IP cloud becomes economically unacceptable for eQ-3 AG when too few people use the services or the Homematic IP devices. In particular, operation is deemed unreasonable for eQ-3 if the turnover with the managed products worsens by 50 % in relation to the costs of operating and maintaining the cloud services compared with the year with the highest turnover since the introduction of Homematic IP.
7.5 During the term of the user contract, the user shall be obliged at least once a month to obtain information about any new developments and information regarding the functions of the Homematic IP app and/or Homematic IP cloud by logging into the Homematic IP app.
8.1 To enable the user to receive push notifications or other display messages in the Homematic IP app, the following conditions must be met: When installing the Homematic IP app, select the mandatory setting which allows the Homematic IP app to send the user a message. Furthermore, the user must be registered with/logged into the Homematic IP app with his end device and must have an adequate Internet connection. The user is obliged to register with/log into the Homematic IP app at least once a month to check the receipt of any messages posted in the Homematic IP app.
8.2 Should there be any amendments to the law, changes in jurisdiction or changes in the economic situation which affect eQ-3 AG’s contractual performance, eQ-3 AG shall reserve the right to change these user conditions under the terms of the following regulation regarding the contract with the user at his reasonable discretion (paragraph 315 of the Civil German Law), insofar as the balance between the contracting parties (relationship between performance and consideration) does not change significant contractual contents and the changes are acceptable for the user. eQ-3 AG shall communicate the changes to the user in good time, i.e. at least within two months prior to coming into effect in text form by sending a push notification and/or by means of display in the Homematic IP app, informing about the changes. The notified changes will become effective two months after notification in the Homematic IP app. eQ-3 AG shall expressly point out this consequence to the user when communicating the changes to him.
Until the changes come into effect, the user may make objections to the changes. In the case of an objection, the customer shall have the right to cancel the contract with immediate effect and without notice and eQ-3 AG shall have the right to termination of the contract with regard to the free-of-charge service subject to a two months’ notice. Should the user not make any objections to the changes by the time they come into force, the new user conditions shall be deemed to be agreed between the contracting parties.
8.3 The user is responsible for ensuring that no unauthorised person has access to the Homematic IP app.
9.1 Any amendments or supplements to these conditions shall require the text form. Paragraph 305b of the German Civil Code (precedence of an individual agreement) shall remain unaffected for individual agreements in whatever form.
9.2 This contract shall be subject exclusively to German law, with the exclusion of the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CSIG). If the user is a commercial trader as defined in the German Commercial Code, or a legal entity under public law, or has separate assets governed by public law, or the user has no general legal venue in Germany, then the location of eQ-3 AG’s company headquarters shall be agreed as exclusive legal venue.
Please note: Our Homematic IP app contains components of Open Source software which may be used under various licenses. A list of Open Source software used in our Homematic IP app, together with the applicable licensing conditions can be found here. The Open Source software licensing condition apply for each Open Source software component used in the Homematic IP app insofar as, in line with the respective licensing conditions, these prevail over these user conditions.