Automatic hydraulic balancing
- Efficiency for your heating system
Save energy with Homematic IP
Electricity, gas and hot water: energy is becoming increasingly expensive. Smart home solutions from Homematic IP can help you to limit and even reduce your energy costs.
With Homematic IP, you can save up to 33 % of your energy costs*, whether that’s by switching off unneeded electrical loads, intelligently using natural sunlight to provide room lighting or recording consumption to identify energy guzzlers. In a smart home, you can do all this without sacrificing comfort.
Klimaschutz geht uns alle an. Unter welchen Umständen unsere Kinder und Enkel auf der Erde leben, wird davon abhängen, ob wir die auf UN-Ebene vereinbarte Begrenzung der Erderwärmung einhalten. Dafür notwendig ist eine deutliche Reduktion des CO2-Ausstoßes – auch in Deutschland. Für einen wesentlichen Anteil des Energieverbrauchs und CO2-Ausstoßes ist hierzulande der Gebäudebestand verantwortlich. Langfristig führt daher kein Weg an einem energetisch günstigen Gebäudebestand vorbei. Da die energetische Sanierung des Gebäudebestands jedoch eine Aufgabe einer ganzen Generation ist, muss eine alternative Lösung gefunden werden, die unmittelbar zur Reduktion des CO2-Ausstoßes beiträgt. Die smarte Einzelraumregelung, wie sie Homematic IP anbietet, kann kurzfristig und kostengünstig den CO2-Fußabdruck Deutschlands reduzieren und so einen erheblichen Beitrag zum Klimaschutz leisten.
You, too, probably have numerous electrical devices that are not in use but running in standby mode and consuming unnecessary electricity. You can put an end to this by switching off all appliances. To do this, simply install our Homematic IP Presence Sensor in the ceiling: it detects when people are in the room and switches off all electrical devices linked to it when no one is there.
You can easily save the energy consumption of lights that are on unnecessarily with the Homematic IP Motion Detector for indoors or outdoors, and with our actuators that make your lighting smart. The smart motion detector both detects whether someone is moving in its zone and measures the ambient brightness. This way, lights are only switched on when they are needed.
Identify the electrical devices that are causing excessive power consumption. To do this, you can obtain Homematic IP switch actuators with an integrated measuring function. The actuators display the consumption of the connected device in the app. We can also help you calculate your electricity costs. Enter the price of your electricity tariff in the menu of the Homematic IP app under ‘Settings’ and ‘Consumption measurement’. Now open a room in the app and select ‘Consumption measurement’ in the menu there. You’ll be able to see how high the total consumption is and what costs you have incurred so far.
Reduce energy costs without substantial renovation measures or large investments: you can achieve this as a business owner with the heating solutions from Homematic IP. Simply replace conventional radiator thermostats with radio-controlled Homematic IP Thermostats. You can then control the heating individually for each room. With the Homematic IP app, you can create time schedules based on when people are present or absent. The thermostats then regulate the temperature automatically.
"My smart home feeling is when my house does the things I do manually every day, over and over again, automatically for me." Here, he relies on the smart functions that he can configure very easily and individually with the Homematic IP app. The broad product portfolio of Homematic IP makes it particularly easy for Alexander to combine different solutions - flexibly by radio or also wired and thus particularly fail-safe. "That's smart!"
– Alexander from Schwarmstedt –
"Heinz Joachim aus Nachrodt-Wiblingwerde ist begeisterter Homematic IP Anwender. Ihn fasziniert die Einfachheit von Homematic IP. "Das System ist einfach einzurichten und zu bedienen." Unter diesen Bedingungen kann Smart Home aus seiner Sicht auch das Leben älterer Menschen bereichern. "Das ist Technik, die auch ältere Menschen begeistert!"
– Heinz Joachim aus Nachrodt-Wiblingwerde –
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