Radiator thermostat – compact-2

Make your radiator smart and tamper-proof. You only use the app for the settings. Everything included with the radiator thermostat - compact-2.

Comfortable heating at the workplace with a particularly long battery operating time 

We spend a large part of the day at work. Your workplace should of course also have the optimum temperature so that you'll be comfortable there. Homematic IP provides the right indoor climate in your office too, at all times. You set the heating profiles in the app only. So no one forgets to turn off the radiator overnight - and you save valuable energy. And all this with a particularly long battery life of up to five years.

Haken mit Zahnrad und Schutzschild

The Stiftung Warentest winner 2019 relaunched and even more long-lasting

Ideal for offices, doctors' surgeries, firms or kids' rooms: The closed housing design does not allow unwanted manual operation or tampering, and does not protrude into the room. Thanks to the long battery service life of 5 years, the radiator thermostat is also very low-maintenance.


You can set heating profiles via the Homematic IP app, a wall thermostat or by voice control. The dismantling protection included in the scope of delivery provides additional safety.


Comfort temperature at any time

Control the room temperature according to your needs - at home and when you're out and about.


You can do this easily via the app, directly on the device using the dial or conveniently via voice control (using Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant).

Dynamisch. adaptiver Abgleich

Homematic IP automates hydraulic balancing

Fraunhofer IEE confirms that the Homematic IP radiator thermostat automatically performs dynamic and adaptive balancing on the radiator.


Homematic IP thus eliminates the need for the expensive installation of presettable valves, which was previously necessary, and thus makes hydraulic balancing much easier.



The easy way to save on heating costs and CO2 emissions

You can easily set the individual temperature profiles in the Homematic IP app.


Up to three adjustable heating profiles and 13 changes per day allow you to have the heating on only only when you want it.

Smartphone Stoppuhr

Safe and easy installation

Installation is quick and easy with no need to interfere with the heating system or to drain water.


A high-quality union nut is supplied for secure mounting on all common radiator valves with a M30 thread.

offenes Fenster

Open window detection

If a window is opened in your home, the radiator automatically lowers the temperature to save energy.


Notice open windows and doors with the open window detection function or even more precisely with a window and door contact from Homematic IP.

The dynamic-adaptive balancing of Homematic IP

Studies by Fraunhofer IEE have confirmed that the Homematic IP radiator thermostats eTRV-2, eTRV-C, eTRV-C-2 and eTRV-Evo perform dynamic and adaptive balancing at the individual radiators.

This means that the manual hydraulic balancing of each individual radiator by means of a valve presetting is no longer necessary. Compared to conventional, static control, automatic balancing through Homematic IP also has the distinct advantage that the flow rate of each radiator is dynamically adjusted to the real heat demand of the respective room. This means that the heating is really always set efficiently - on any day and in any weather.

Homematic IP radiator thermostat compact - new version

The new variant of our compact radiator thermostat is the ideal solution for public rooms, offices and kids' rooms. One particularly smart feature is the extended battery runtime.

Your advantages at a glance

Do you want to live more safely, save money and protect the environment, or simply increase your living comfort? There are many good reasons for a Smart Home. Find out more now!

Control heating

Save energy

Use the app

Connect devices together

Homematic IP: Smart living. Simply exciting.

Homematic IP means modern, flexible and secure technology from the European market leader*. Let the advantages of our system win you over, and start living smarter straight away. 

With some smart home providers, you have to make a choice: Do you have everything wired, or do you go fully wireless? Some systems are also hermetically sealed and do not accept devices from other manufacturers. Here at Homematic IP, we have a different approach. We are guided by you!

Die Homematic IP App

Konfigurieren Sie in der Homematic IP App alle Einstellungen für Ihr Smart Home, steuern, regeln und überblicken Sie damit jederzeit Ihre Geräte. Es werden keine persönlichen Daten erhoben, außer der IP-Adresse.

The Homematic IP app

Configure all the settings for your smart home in the Homematic IP app, and use it to control, regulate and monitor your devices whenever you want – without providing any personal data!
A smart home system is particularly robust, interference-proof and reliable when the devices communicate with each other via wired connections. And data transmission is very fast with cables, too. That all comes together with Homematic IP Wired.

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Whether you have a question about a product, something isn’t working as you wanted, you’re looking for a specialist partner, or you simply want to give us feedback: we are always here to help.



This is where you’ll find the most important questions and our answers about our smart home solutions.



Have you purchased a Homematic IP product and now have questions about how it works? Our technical support team will be happy to help you.

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Order information

Product Name (Short)
Item Number
EAN Code

Technical data

Supply voltage
2x 1.5 V LR06/Mignon/AA
Current consumption
100 mA max.
Typical battery life
5 years (typical)
Degree of protection
Dimensions (W x H x D)
51 x 98 x 48 mm
Ambient temperature
0 to 50 °C
172 g (including batteries)
Radio frequency
868.0-868.6 MHz/869.4-869.65 MHz
Typ. open area RF range
250 m
M30 x 1.5 mm
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